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22 November Important Current Affairs In English


Daily Important Current Affairs In English

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Click Here 👉👉     1 To 20 November Important Current Affairs In Hindi

 Why is it important to read current affairs?    

Current Affairs refer to the events of national and international importance relevant from competitive exams perspective like Civil Services Exam, Bank exam, etc. With the change in the pattern of examinations, questions related to current events and news have assumed a major role in deciding the fate of students

🔶   When is World Fisheries Day celebrated?

 Ans.  21 November

🔶  Which state has set a target of becoming a bioeconomy by 2025?

 Ans.  Karnataka

🔶   What is Moody's estimated GDP of India (GDP) in the current financial year?

 Ans.  -8.9%

🔶  Ajay Kumar has been appointed as the Ambassador of India to which country?

 Ans.  Varundi

🔶   Who has won the Booker Prize of 2020?

 Ans.  Douglas Stuart

🔶  Where is the inauguration of Tungabhadra Pushkaram festival?

 Ans.  Andra Pradesh

🔶   Who has become the country's largest platform for LPG booking?

 Ans.  Ñ€aytm

🔶  Where has the second phase of the Malabar naval exercise concluded?

 Ans.  North Arabian Sea

🔶   India has announced which country to launch satellite next year?

 Ans.  Bhutan

🔶  Which state has announced night curfew in its five cities?

 Ans.  Madhya Pradesh

🔷 • Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Phase-2 of the said RuPay Card - Bhutan

🔶  • Moody's Investor Services has estimated India's GDP growth in the current financial year 2020-21, what percentage - 10.6% per cent 

🔷  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has jointly launched 'Project Kiran' in India with which organization - MasterCard

🔶 • Who hosted the virtual format of the 15th G-20 Leaders Summit - Saudi Arabia

🔷 • In November 2020, the Green Climate Fund has approved $ 256 million for which neighboring country - Bangladesh

🔶 • As a part of Mission Sagar II, Indian Navy ship Airavat arrived at Port of Mombasa, called Mombasa port - Kenya

🔷 • In November 2020, the World Bank said 120 million have been approved for improvement in the transport sector - Meghalaya

🔶 • Who has won the 2020 Booker Prize - Douglas Stuart

🔷 • The International Cricket Council has postponed the 2022 edition of the Women's T20 World Cup until February 2023, which country will host the 2022 Women's T20 World Cup - South Africa

🔶 • Defense Minister Rajnath Singh unveiled two books 'The Republican Ethic Volume III' and 'The Voice of Democracy', whose books are a collection of speeches - Ram Nath Kovind

🔷 When is 'World Television Day' celebrated all over the world - 21 Nunvamb

🔶 • What is India's rank in the Global Bribery Risk Index 2020 - 77th

🔷 • Which city was the best in the 'World's Best Cities for 2021' list released by Vancouver-based Resonance Consultancy Ltd - London

🔶 What was the theme of '13th Urban Mobility India (UMI) Conference 2020' organized in virtual form from New Delhi - "Emerging Trends in Urban Mobility"

🔷 • What is India's rank in the body mass index released by the medical journal The Lancet in terms of boys - 186th

🔶 • Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project is being established in Maunake, Hawaii, which country is not a party to it - France

🔷 Under which ministry, the Government of India issued an order to bring digital or online media, films and audio-visual programs, news portals and current affairs content - Ministry of Information and Broadcasting


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